Project Overview
This augmented reality interactive was the result of an internal group intern project that was completed while at Cortina Productions. Interns from all departments formed a multi-disciplinary project team while Sr designers, programmers, developers, producers, editors, animators, and principles served as the client team from concept to completion.
 The interactive itself provides users with an immersive augmented reality experience while educating them on the history of different forms of media. Users operate an iPad and its built-in rear camera to seek out physical markers hidden nearby that released 3D rendered ghosts which, once captured, unlock different lesson on different forms of media throughout history. As interns we each wore many hats including copy editors, designers, animators, programmers, sound designers, and illustrators, voice actors and more. 
This project was completed over 6 weeks.
Design Process
This project was completed brainstorming sessions, mood boards and design exploration, wireframes, prototyping and regular review and feedback sessions internally and with the client team.
Step 1
After interviewing each member of the client team, myself and all other interns from each department participated in brainstorming sessions to conduct research and formulate ideas. We then narrowed down ideas based on client needs, available technology, and feasibility.
Step 2
Our project team held daily meetings where we discussed time frame, our progress and any issues or dependencies that arose. Internal reviews, client reviews and user testing sessions were held regularly.
Step 3
As lead designer, I was responsible for designing the user experience and interface within the interactive. This was done through working collaboratively with all other interns. After final phases of the project were complete, we presented to the client staff and presented the final project. After presenting, all company members got to use and enjoy the augmented reality interactive.
My Responsibilities
UX Design, UI Design,
Illustration & Animation 
Project Team
Interactive Designers,
Animators & Editors
Attract video for interactive
Upon starting the interactive, users are greeted with an attract video where they can begin the game or watch the attract continuously loop.
Frame #1 from tutorial phase in the interactive
After the attract screen, users are met with a sample video of the interactive and then enter a tutorial phase explaining the controls and UI. Two other frames from the tutorial phase are below.
Frame #2 from tutorial phase in the interactive
Frame #3 from tutorial phase in the interactive
Frame #1 from functional prototype
Frame #2 from functional prototype
Promotional Poster for interactive & the names of the other interns apart of the project (Programming, 2D & 3D Animation, Design, Production)
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